Notes for Henriks AEGENDER

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ALIA Henriks /Aegendener/

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Per the Jordan Lutheran Church records book 1740 - 1850, translated by Rev. A.S.Leiby, on page 3, Henrich Egener was listed as a sponsor for the baptism of Eva Margaretha Zimmerman, who was born 6 Mar 1742 and baptized 16 May 1742. Her parents were Ludwig & Margaretha Egender Zimmerman. Another sponsor was Eva Ruchin.

Henry bought land from Henry McColloh in Rowan County NC in mid to late 1740's but the deed was not recorded until 1761.

Henry (along with his parents and at least 2 sisters) settled in Rowan Co, NC in the 1750s and joined many others with "Carolina Fever."

Henry's will states:
�I give and bequeath unto my son Henry Aginder Juner the plantation where on I now live and one hundred and sixty acres of land. Thirdly I give unto my son David Agendar one hundred and sixty acres of land out of a tract I now live on the whole is three hundred and twenty acres in all to be equally divided between my two sons as they can agree. Henry is to have the home place and David is to have that part whereon he now lives. Thirdly my will is that my to granddaughters Catherine and Mary Agendar, Daughters of John Agendar desesed have an equal share of all my personal Estate with the rest of my children. Fifthly my will is that all my children and my too granddaughters named have an equal share of all my personal estate after my disease. I also appoint my too sons Henry and David Agendar Executors of this my last Will and Testament.�

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